Warm Up
10 PVC Dislocates and Pass Throughs
20 Leg Swing (10 front to back + 10 Side to side)
10 Toy Soldiers
10 Kang Squats
3 Rounds for Quality
10 Pike Leg Lifts
10 Push-ups
10 Heel Touches
10 Scap Pull-ups
I. Every 2 - 3 mins x 5 sets: Bench Press
2 x 3 reps @ 75%
1 x 3 reps @ 80%
1 x 3 reps @ 85%
1 x 3 reps @ 90%
% based on 1RM Bench Press
For Time
Option 1
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Power Snatch
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 2 Burpee Box Jump overs 30 / 24 in.
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 2 Handstand Push Ups
RX 155 / 110 lbs
Option 2
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Power Snatch
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 2 Burpee Box Jump overs 24 / 20 in.
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 2 Regular Push Ups
Alternative 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Handstand Push ups
Scaled 135 / 95 lbs
Gymanstics (Optional)
5 - 10 - 15 - .... Toes to Bar
Alternative Toes to DBs
6 Dumbbell Box Step Overs
RX 40 / 30 lbs
Scaled 35 / 25 lbs
Cool Down
Set TABATA Timer: 30 sec HOLD / 10 sec Transition
Puppy dog pose center
puppy dog pose right
puppy dog pose left
Scorpion Pose right
Scorpion Pose left
low dragon right
low dragon left
Pigeon Pose right
Pigeon Pose left