Warm Up
Leg Swings
Wall Lat Stretch
10 Samson Lunges
30 sec Half Front Split (L)
30 sec Half Front Split (R)
10 Fire Hydrants
Wrist Prep
10 Disclocates & Pass Throughs
3 x 20s ON / 10s OFF
1st Line Hops
2nd Plank Shoulder Taps
3rd Air Squats
4th Push Ups
2 Rounds
10 Front Squat
10 Muscle Clean
10 Strict Press
empty bar
Deload Week
I. Every 2 mins x 12 mins
2 Cleans + 3 Front Squat
Work up to a heavy complex for the day.
II. EMOM 8: Front Squats
8 x 4 reps @ 65 - 80%
% based on 1RM Front Squat
Option 1
6 Thrusters
3 Rope Climb
Alternative 6 Pull ups
Rest 3 mins
9 Thrusters
3 Rope Climb
Alternative 6 Pull ups
Rest 3 mins
12 Thrusters
3 Rope Climb
Alternative 6 Pull ups
RX 135 / 95 lbs - 115 / 75 lbs - 95 / 65 lbs
Scaled 115 / 75 lbs - 95 / 65 lbs - 75 / 55 lbs
Option 2
For Time
50 Burpees to Target
50 Wallball Shots
50/40 cal Ski or Row
Alternative 35 / 25 cal Bike
50 Power Snatches
RX 75 / 55 lbs
Scaled 45 / 35 lbs
Accessory Work
I. Gymnastics
Option 1: 30 - 40 Handstand Shoulder Tap
Option 2: Accumulate 5 mins Handstand Hold
45 sec Overhead DBs / KBs Hold
10L/ 10R Single Arm Bottoms up Kettlebell Press, light load
Cool Down
1 min Scorpion Stretch (L)
1 min Scorpion Stretch (R)
10 Cat & Cow
30 secs Child's Pose
30 secs Thread the needle (R)
30 secs Thread the needle (L)
30 secs Upward Facing Dog
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (L)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (R)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (L)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (R)