Warm Up
10 Inchrowm Push Ups
10 Dislocates & Pass Throughs
100ft. or 40 Bodyweight Walking Lunges
300m Row
20 Lateral Line Hops
Note: Skip Part I & III if you are short on time
Week 8
I. EMOM 6: Muscle Clean + Front Squat
3 x 2 + 2
3 x 2 + 1
Use heaviset weight you can for each set
Use this as a technique warm-up. Build by feel and focus on full extension on the pull and fast feet on the snatch balance.
II. Every 3 mins x 6 sets: Clean Pull + Squat Clean
2 x 2 + 1 @ 75%
1 x 1 + 1 @ 80%
1 x 1 + 1 @ 85%
1 x 1 + 1 @ 88%
1 x 1 + 1 @ 90%
Reps are not touch and go, reset between.
% based on 1RM Squat Clean
III. Every 3 mins x 4 sets: Low Hang Clean Pull
2 x 3 @ 105%
2 x 3 @ 105%+
% based on 1RM Squat Clean
Hang position is 1 inch below the knees. Use straps if available.
IV. Every 2 - 3 mins x 5 sets: Push Press
1 x 2 reps @ 75%
1 x 2 reps @ 80%
1 x 1 reps @ 85%
1 x 1 reps @ 90%
1 x 1 reps @ 95%
% based on 1RM Push Press
Long Conditioning (Choose 1)
Option 1
3 Sets for Time
2 rounds
20 Pistol Squats
Alternative Goblet Squats
10 Power Snatch
10 Box Jump Overs
Rest 3 mins after each set
RX 155 / 105 lbs
Scaled 115 / 75 lbs
Option 2
Every 4 mins x 4 to 5 sets
200m run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
4 Bar Muscle Ups
Alternative 8 Pull ups
Note: You shoudl have atleast 1:00+ minute of rest
RX 135 / 95 lbs
Scaled 95 / 65 lbs
Accessory Work
3 Rounds for Quality
30 - 40 sec Weighted Sorensen Hold
Alternative Weighted Supermans
20 Weighted Russian Twist
20 Alternting V-ups
Cool Down
30 sec Center Upward Facing Dog
30 sec Upward Facing Dog - Move torso to the Left Side
30 sec Upward Facing Dog - Move torso to the Right Side
30 sec Center Puppy dog pose
30 sec Puppy dog pose - Move torso to the Left Side
30 sec Puppy dog pose - Move torso to the Left Side
30 sec Thread the Needle Arms (L)
30 sec Thread the Needle Arms (R)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (L)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (R)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (L)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (R)
30 sec L - Sit Fold Forward
1 minute Seated Shoulder Extension Stretch