ActivFit and Activate BODY
Part A
3 Rounds for Quality (CAP 12)
5 Strict Pull Ups
20 secs Dead Hang Hold
10 Kipping Pull Ups
20 secs Dead Hang Hold
Rest as needed
Scaled / Go Fit
5 Pull Ups Negatives
20 secs Dead Hang Hold
10 Seated Pull Ups
20 secs Dead Hang Hold
Rest as needed
Part B
Every 5 minutes x 4 rounds
60 Double Unders
18 Hang Power Cleans
6 Bar Muscle-ups / Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Alternative Chest to Bars
Go Fit Jumping Chest to Bars / Pull ups
RX 95 / 65 lbs
Scaled 75 / 55 lbs
Go Fit use Dumbbells