Warm Up
3 rounds of:
1 min Row, slow (20-22 SPM)
40 secs Row, moderate (23-26 SPM)
20 secs Row, fast (27-29 SPM)
10 PVC Dislocates and Pass Throughs
20 Leg Swing (10 front to back + 10 Side to side)
10 Toy Soldiers
10 Kang Squats
3 Rounds for Quality
10 Empty Barbell Strict Press
10 Empty Barbell Front Squats
Week 9
I. 6 sets Superset
8 Strict Press
Max reps Feet Elevated Paralette Push ups
Alternative Regular Push Ups
Go up in weight every 2 rounds.
Load to heavy
II. In 15 minutes: Box Squat
Work to a max 3 reps for the day
Rest as needed
20" /16" Box
*Tempo Descent. Unload weight and stand up quickly.
*Box height should be right at parallel or right above so adjust accordingly if 20/16 doesn't fit this requirement
Conditioning (Choose 1)
Option 1
2 Rounds for Time
30 Assault Bike Calories
Rest 2 mins
30 Assault Bike Calories
Rest 1:30
20 Assault Bike Calories
Rest 1 min
20 Assault Bike Calories
Rest 6 mins between each round.
Option 2
2021 CrossFit Virtual Games - Event 10
For Time
1000m Row
50 Pull Ups
Alternative Ring Rows or Assisted Pull Ups
100 ft. Overhead Walking Lunges
95 / 65 lbs
Endurance (Optional)
Every 3 mins for 6 sets
25 / 20 cal Row
200m Run
Goal is to finish around 2:30 mins per round
Cool Down
Set TABATA Timer: 30 sec HOLD / 10 sec Transition
Puppy dog pose center
puppy dog pose right
puppy dog pose left
Scorpion Pose right
Scorpion Pose left
low dragon right
low dragon left
Pigeon Pose right
Pigeon Pose left