Every 3 mins for 18 mins.
1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Clean + 1 Split Jerk
Starting at 82% 1RM clean and jerk and increasing load each set after.
This is not touch-and-go, reset between each clean, but no more than 10 secs rest.
Goal is to finish above 85% 1RM.
Every 3 mins for 18 mins do:
3 Strict Press, 80% 1RM
2 Strict Press, 85% 1RM
1 Strict Press, 87 - 90% 1RM
This flows like so - complete 3 reps, increase weight, complete 2 reps, increase weight, and then complete the final 1 rep set. You must complete all 6 reps within the 3 min window.
7 Rounds for Time
7 Hang Power Cleans
7 Thrusters
7 Shoulder-to-Overheads
RX 105 / 75 lbs
Scaled 95 / 65 lbs
Primary Objective:
Sub 75 secs per round.
Secondary Objective:
All sets unbroken.
Stimulus: Barbell cycling/grip
Accessory Work (Different Session)
For Quality
3 Rounds
15 Dumbbell Bench Press
100 ft (4x 25 ft) Dumbbell Farmers Carry Lunge
Rest 1 min
-- Rest 2 mins --
3 Rounds
15 Dumbbell Bench Press
75 ft (3x 25 ft) Dumbbell Farmers Carry Lunge
Rest 1 min
This is for quality- don’t treat this for time. We would rather see that high output placed in the earlier pieces. This is pure chest work and Open prep.
With the lunges, learn your step count- know how many steps it takes to do 25 ft. This will help prepare for the Open and also will give you a clear step cadence. What you don’t want to happen is that you over stride in your lunges and have to do a small step at the end, meaning that if you lunged at a regular stride you would get the same result but you wouldn’t expose yourself to overreaching and increasing the chances of fumbling the dumbbells. Food for thought.
RX 50 / 35 lbs
Select dumbbells that would allow you to complete the bench press either unbroken or in two sets and the lunges in less than 4 sets.