Warm Up
Wall Lat Stretch
20 Toy Soldiers
10 Downdog to Updog + Toe Taps
10 Superman Planks
10 Fire Hydrants
10 T Spine Stretch
10 Floor I Y Ts
Wrist Prep
Dislocates and Passthroughs
Machine Option
For Calories
14 sets 40 secs ON / 20 sec OFF
cal Bike
Run Option
Every 3 minutes x 10 sets
400m Run
Each for time.
The aim of these intervals is to be running at an effort of about 80-85%. Our 8 km test will be next week, so use this session to hone in technique and breathing. Spend ample time on stretching and warm-up as well.
2 minute Dragon Pose (R)
2 minute Low Dragon (R)
30 seconds Down Dog
2 minute Dragon Pose (L)
2 minute Low Dragon (L)
30 seconds Down Dog
2 minutes Saddle Pose
2 minutes Kneeling Split / Frog Pose
1 minute Thread the Needle Arms (R)
1 minute Thread the Needle Arms (L)
2 minute Puppy Dog Pose
2 - 3 minute Reverse Corpse Pose (Advasana)