Warm Up
8 mins Run:
1 min Slow
30 sec Moderate
20 sec Sprint
10 PVC Dislocates and Pass Throughs
20 Leg Swing (10 front to back + 10 Side to side)
10 Toy Soldiers
10 Kang Squats
2 Rounds
1 min Wall Squat Hold
30 sec Handstand Hold
Alternative Plank Hold
20 Alt. Lunges
Session 1
I. Every 2 - 3 mins x 7 sets: Strict Press
1 x 10 reps @ 60%
2 x 8 reps @ 65%
2 x 6 reps @ 70%
1 x 4 reps @ 75%
1 x 4 reps @ 78 - 82%
% based on 1RM Strict Press
II. EMOM 12: Box Squats
6 x 4 reps @ 80%+
6 x 4 reps @ 85%+
% based on 1RM Box Squat
Tempo descent. Unload weight and stand up quickly. Box height should be right at parallel or right above so adjust accordingly.
Conditioning 1
Every 5 mins x 6 sets
400m Run
Alternative 30 / 24 cal Row or Bike or Ski
20 Alt. Power Snatch
8 Strict Handstand Push Ups
12 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
10 Push Ups
RX 50 / 35 lbs
Scaled 35 / 25 lbs
Change your starting movement each round:
Round 1: Run or Machine
Round 2: Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Round 3: Strict Handstand Push-ups
Round 4: Run or Machine
Round 5: Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Round 6: Strict Handstand Push-ups
Session 2
Conditioning 2
For Time
Option 1
1000 / 800m Bike Erg or Row or Ski Erg
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 Legless or Regular Rope Climb
Option 1
1000 / 800m Bike Erg or Row or Ski Erg
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Strict Pull Ups
Accessory Work
3 Rounds for Quality
12 Medball GHD SitUps
Alternative Medball Sit Ups
12 Weighted Russian Twists
max effort Hanging L-Sit Hold
Alternative Hollow Hold
Cool Down
Set TABATA Timer: 30 sec HOLD / 10 sec Transition
Puppy dog pose center
puppy dog pose right
puppy dog pose left
Scorpion Pose right
Scorpion Pose left
low dragon right
low dragon left
Pigeon Pose right
Pigeon Pose left