Warm Up
10 Inchrowm Push Ups
10 Dislocates & Pass Throughs
Barbell Conditioning
I. Every 1:30 mins x 4 sets: Muscle Cleans
4 x 4 reps
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
II. EMOM 10: Pause Front Squats
1 Pause Front Squat, pick load
III. Every 2 mins x 5 sets: Deadlifts
2 x 3 reps @ 80%
2 x 3 reps @ 85%
1 x 3 reps @ 87%
18 / 13 cal Bike
50 Double Unders
4 Sandbag Cleans
Alternative 7 Power Cleans
100 ft. Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
Alternative Farmers Carry Walk
Sandbag / Dball
RX 150 / 100 lbs
Scaled 100 / 70 lbs
RX 155 / 105 lbs
Scaled 115 / 85 lbs
3 Rounds for Quality
20 Alternating Kettlebell Oblique Side Bends, pick load
45 secs Hollow Hold
20 Russian Twists, pick load
45 secs Sorensen Hold (GHD or Bench)
Cool Down
30 sec Center Upward Facing Dog
30 sec Upward Facing Dog - Move torso to the Left Side
30 sec Upward Facing Dog - Move torso to the Right Side
30 sec Center Puppy dog pose
30 sec Puppy dog pose - Move torso to the Left Side
30 sec Puppy dog pose - Move torso to the Left Side
30 sec Thread the Needle Arms (L)
30 sec Thread the Needle Arms (R)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (L)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (R)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (L)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (R)
30 sec L - Sit Fold Forward
1 minute Seated Shoulder Extension Stretch