Warm Up
For quality:
3 rounds of:
10 Deadlifts- empty bar
12 GHD Sit-ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
Shuttle Run, 100 ft
Wall Sit Hold, 45 secs
-- then --
Crossover Symmetry
Week 6
I. Every 3 mins x 5 sets: Deadlifts
3 x 7 reps @ 70 %
2 x 5 reps @ 80%
II. Strict Press and Push Ups
2 rounds of:
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Strict Press
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4 DBs Push Ups
Strict Press, 135/95 lbs
Feet elevated or use parallettes
Strict Press, 95/65 lbs
For Time
20 Row Calories
21 Alt. Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
15 Toes-to-bars
20 Row Calories
18 Alt. Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
12 Toes-to-bars
20 Row Calories
15 Alt. Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
9 Toes-to-bars
20 Row Calories
12 Alt. Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
6 Toes-to-bars
20 Row Calories
Cool Down
1 min Scorpion Stretch (L)
1 min Scorpion Stretch (R)
10 Cat & Cow
30 secs Child's Pose
30 secs Thread the needle (R)
30 secs Thread the needle (L)
30 secs Upward Facing Dog
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (L)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (R)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (L)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (R)