Warm Up
10 each Floor I-Y-T
10 Dislocates and Pass Throughs
4 Rounds Activation
10 Broad Jumps
10 Alternating Lunges
15 Ab mat sit-ups
30 secs Handstand Hold
Session 1
Every 2 - 3 mins x 6 sets: Power Snatch
1 x 3 reps @ 75%
2 x 3 reps @ 80%
1 x 2 reps @ 80%
2 x 2 reps @ 90%
% are based off your 1RM Power Snatch
10 Power Snatch
2 Legless / 3 Regular Rope Climbs
8 Strict Pull Ups
20 Alternating Ring Rows
10 Bent over Rows
20 Shoulder to Overhead
2 Rope Climbs
6 Strict Pull Ups
20 Alternating Ring Rows
10 Bent over Rows
RX 95 / 65 lbs
Scaled 75 / 55 lbs
Session 2
5 Rounds (CAP 5 per round)
15 Chest to Bar
Alternative Pull ups / Ring Rows
10 Deadlifts
50ft Handstand Walks (25ft / 25ft)
2 Wall Walks + 30 sec Wall facing Hold
5 Deadlifts
Rest 2:30 between sets
RX 155 / 225 lbs
Scaled 125 / 185 lbs
Every 90 secs x 6 Rounds
4 / 3 Bar Muscle-ups
Alternative Bar Muscle Up Box turn over
12 Box Jump Overs 24"/20"
Cool Down
30 seconds Deep Forward Lunge (Push Hips forward) L
30 seconds Pigeon Pose (L)
30 seconds Deep Forward Lunge (Push Hips forward) R
30 seconds Pigeon Pose R
1 minute Puppy dog pose
30 seconds puppy dog pose right (bring both arms to the right side)
30 seconds puppy dog pose left (bring both arms to the right side)
30 seconds Thread the Needle L
30 seconds Thread the Needle R
1 minute L-sit Fold Forward
1 minute Seated Shoulder Extension Stretch