Warm Up
3 rounds for quality of:
Jog, 400 m
10 Air Squats
Couch Stretch, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
Wall Sit, 30 secs
Week 7
I. Every 2 mins x 4 sets: Snatch Sotts Press
4 x 5 reps
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
This should be strictly a warm-up movement to open your front rack and squat mobility for the work ahead.
II. Every 1:30 mins x 6 sets: Snatch
1 Snatch
III. Every 2 mins sx 4 sets:
4 x 6L/6R Reverse Lunges
5 rounds for time of:
30 / 22 cal Bike
12 Push Press
100ft. Farmers Carry
6 Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
50 ft. Sandbag Carry
115/75 lbs
70/50 lbs
95/65 lbs
50/35 lbs
Accessory Work
3 rounds for quality of:
12 Weighted Russian Twists, pick load
Prone Sorenson Hold, 30 secs
Supine Sorenson Hold, 30 secs
max effort Low Ring L-Sit Hold