Warm Up
10 Prone Chest Opener LR2
10 Alternating Hamstring Sweep LR2
20 Floor I-Y-T
3 Rounds
1 min Jog
15 Banded / Empty Bar Good Mornings
10 Jump Squats
10 Front Squats (Empty Bar)
Session 1
Every 2 - 3 mins x 6 sets: Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch
4 x 2 + 1
2 x 1 + 1
Start at 65% 1RM and work up to a heavy complex.
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats L5R5
10 Pistol Squats LR2
Alternative Box Squats / Narrow Squats
15 Toes to Bar
Alternative Toes to DB / KB
RX 50 / 35 lbs
Scaled 35 / 25 lbs
Session 2
cal Row / Bike Erg / Air Bike
Every 3 minutes alternate between:
1st 10 Deficit Handstand Push Ups (choose deficit)
Alternative L-Sit Press
2nd 10 / 8 Ring Dips
Alternative Dumbbell Push Ups or Regular Push Ups
Accessory Work
5 Rounds
100 ft Sandbag Shoulder Carry
Alternative DBs Front Rack Carry Walk
100 ft DBs Overhead Carry
Max Effort Handstand Hold
RX 50 / 35 lbs
Scaled 35 / 25 lbs
Cool Down
1 minute Twisted Cross L
1 minute Twisted Cross R
1 minute Deep Forward Lunge L
1 minute Pigeon Pose L
1 minute Deep Forward Lunge R
1 minute Pigeon Pose R
1 minute Puppy dog pose
1 minute Thread the Needle L
1 minute Thread the Needle R
1 minute L - Sit Fold
1 minute Seated Shoulder Extension Stretch