Warm Up
20 Leg Swing
20 Toy Soldiers
3 Rounds
200m Run / 40 Line Hops
50 ft. / 8 Broad Jumps
45 sec Handstand Hold
10 Muscle Snatches (Empty Bar)
Session 1
I. 1 Min ON / 1 Min Rest: Barbell Conditioning
1st Max Power Snatch
2nd Max Squat Clean
Minimum of 5 UB reps per set
Repeat until 50 P.Snatches and S.Cleans are completed
RX 95 / 65 lbs
Scaled 75 / 55 lbs
II. Every 2- 3 mins x 5 sets: Overhead Squats
1 x 5 reps @ 65%
4 x 5 reps @ Load after each set
Work up to a heavy set for the day
CF Open 21.3
15 Front Squats
30 Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters
Rest 1 minute
15 Front Squats
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
Rest 1 minute
15 Front Squats
30 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Thrusters
RX 65 / 95 lbs
Scaled 45 / 65 lbs
Movement Alternatives:
Front Squats
Air Squats
DBs Front Squats
Toes to Bar
Sit Ups
Hanging Knee Raises
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Single Arm DB Row L15R15
Pull Ups
Bar Muscle Ups
Push Ups
Handstand Push Ups
Chest to bar Pull Ups
Note: Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.
CF Open 21.4
Complete the following complex:
1 Deadlift
1 Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Jerk
Note: can be power or squat cleans, split or push jerk
Session 2
6 Rounds for Time (CAP 25)
400m Run
500m Run
30 / 20 cal Bike
RX 35 / 50 lbs
Scaled 25 / 35 lbs
4 Rounds for Time
40 secs Glute Bridge Hold or Straddle Glute Hold
Cool Down
1 min Scorpion Stretch (L)
1 min Scorpion Stretch (R)
10 Cat & Cow (Hold 3 sec per pose)
30 secs Child's Pose
30 secs Thread the needle (R)
30 secs Thread the needle (L)
30 secs Upward Dog
30 secs Deep Forward Lunge Right Leg
30 secs Forward Lunge Left Leg
30 secs Downward Dog