Warm Up
10 each Floor I-Y-T
2 x 1 + 2 @ 100%+
2 Rounds for Quality
1 min Machine of Choice
10 Air Squats
10 Muscle Cleans, pick load
10 Strict Press, pick load
-- then --
20 Dislocates and Pass Throughs
Session 1
Weightlifting (Week 8)
I. Every 2 - 3 mins x 3 sets: Clean and Jerk
1 x 2 reps @ 75%
1 x 2 reps @ 78%
1 x 2 reps @ 82%
Cleans are to be done as singles.
% based on 1 RM Clean & Jerk
II. Every 2 - 3 mins x 2 sets: Back Squat
2 x 2 reps @ 100%
Every 10 mins for 3 sets
50 GHD Sit-ups
Alternative Abmat Sit Ups
30 / 22 cal Bike
35 / 28 cal Row or Bike Erg or Ski Erg
400m Run
30 Box Jumps
50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
Empty bar Thrusters
Backpack Thrusters
Session 2
5 x AMRAP 3 min / Rest 1 min
12 Chest to Bar
Alternative 8 Pull Ups
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Bar Facing Burpees
Pick up where you leave off each interval
Goal: 1.5+ rounds per cycle
RX 135 / 95 lbs
Scaled 115 / 75 lbs
Accessory Work
3 Rounds for Quality
15 Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
1 min Supine Sorenson Hold
Alternative Hollow Hold
20 Tall Box Step Downs 10L10R
Alternative Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats
Athlete chooses load
Cool Down
30 seconds Deep Forward Lunge (Push Hips forward) L
30 seconds Pigeon Pose (L)
30 seconds Deep Forward Lunge (Push Hips forward) R
30 seconds Pigeon Pose R
1 minute Puppy dog pose
30 seconds puppy dog pose right (bring both arms to the right side)
30 seconds puppy dog pose left (bring both arms to the right side)
30 seconds Thread the Needle L
30 seconds Thread the Needle R
1 minute L-sit Fold Forward
1 minute Seated Shoulder Extension Stretch