Dynamic Warm Up
10 Leg Swing
10 Toy Soldiers
10 Inchworm Push up with Up and Down Dog
Option 1:
For Distance
Run: 1x 50 mins
Zone 2 effort- this should be completed at 65-75% of your max heart rate.
Continuing our zone 2 program. As we look to build our long distance aerobic base, we will add time each week. You can do this on any machine if needed and please wear a heart rate monitor if possible.
Option 2:
5 Rounds for Time
Ski Erg, 800 m
Recovery Bike, 1:30
Ski Erg, 400 m
Recovery Bike, 1 min
Ski Erg, 200 m
Recovery Bike, 1:30
Rower as alternative
2 minute Bound Angle
2 minute Puppy Dog Pose Center Hold
2 minutes Lizard Pose (R)
2 minutes Lizard Pose (L)
2 minute Kneeling Split / Frog Pose
2 minute Flat Thread the Needle (R)
2 minute Flat Thread the Needle (L)
2 minute Seated Straddle Stretch
1 minute Seated Archer Arms (R)
1 minute Seated Archer Arms (L)
2 minute Corpse Pose (Savasana)