I. 5 sets: High Hang Snatch
3 High Hang Snatch
Rest 2 minutes between set
Same piece as last week. If technique felt good, try to add 5-10 lbs on each set. Don't push it if you need some extra technique work, it's still early in the cycle.
II. 4 rounds of:
4 Deadlifts, 80% 1RM
Rest 40 secs
3 Deadlifts, 80% 1RM
Rest 20 secs
1 Deadlifts, 80% 1RM
Rest 3 mins
For Time
20 Dumbbell Bench Press
20 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs or 3/2 Regular Rope Climbs
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
20 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs or 3/2 Regular Rope Climbs
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
RX 50 / 35 lbs
Scaled 35 / 25 lbs
Rope Climb Replacement: 12 / 10 Strict Pull Ups
Accessory Work
5 x 40 ON / 20 OFF
1st Hollow Rock
2nd Russian Twist, pick load
3rd V Ups