Warm Up
Wall Lat Stretch
20 Toy Soldiers
10 Downdog to Updog + Toe Taps
10 Superman Planks
10 Fire Hydrants
10 T Spine Stretch
10 Floor I Y Ts
Wrist Prep
Dislocates and Passthroughs
Gymnastics Conditioning
14 / 11 cal Row
Alternative 12 / 9 cal Bike
3 Rope Climbs
Alternative 16 Alt. Ring Rows
Rest 3 minutes
14 / 11 cal Row
Alternative 12 / 9 cal Bike
2 Legless Rope Climbs
Alternative 6 Strict Pull Ups
Rest 3 minutes
14 / 11 cal Row
Alternative 12 / 9 cal Bike
2 Rope Climbs
Alternative 10 Alt. Ring Rows
1 Legless Rope Climbs
Alternative 3 Strict Pull Ups
For Quality
5 minutes Sorensen Hold on Bench
Alternative Superman Extension
Every time you break complete:
100 ft L / 100 ft R Suitcase Carry, pick load
Run Option
Each for time:
Run: 4x 1000 m
Rest 3 mins between efforts.
Start interval 1 at your 5 km pace and increase pace each interval so you complete negative splits across all 4.
90 sec Lizard Pose (R)
90 sec Lizard Pose (L)
1 mins Twisted Cross (R)
1 min Twisted Cross (L)
1 min Wide stance Down Dog (feet slightly wider than your hips)