Warm Up
Wall Lat Stretch
10 Toy Soldiers
10 Inchworm push ups + Spider Lunge
10 Fire Hydrants
PVC Dislocates and Pass Throughs
10 Good mornings
Wrist Prep
3 Rounds
10 Superman Back Extension
100ft. Bear Hug Carry
100ft. Barbell
I. EMOM 12
1st 8 Deadlift
2nd 100ft. Barbell Back Rack Carry
Start the deadlifts at 65% 1RM
II. 5 Rounds for Time
15 / 12 cal Bike
20 Alternating Pistols
3 Squat Cleans, pick load
Rest 1:30 between set
Cleans can be singles or touch and go (athlete choice). Rest no longer than 15 between attempts. Start at 75% 1RM and add weight each round.
Find a heavy 3 rep for your squat clean.
10 Chest to Bars
Alternative Bent over Rows
50 ft. Handstand Walk
Alternative 2 Wall Walks + 20 secs Handstand Hold
14 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 24/20 in
RX 50 / 35 lbs
Scaled 35 / 25 lbs
Accessory Work
3 Rounds for Quality
20 Banded Good Mornings
20 Deficit Kettlebell Reverse Lunges, 4 in
Pick Load
Cool Down
1 min Scorpion Stretch (L)
1 min Scorpion Stretch (R)
10 Cat & Cow
30 secs Child's Pose
30 secs Thread the needle (R)
30 secs Thread the needle (L)
30 secs Upward Facing Dog
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (L)
30 sec Deep Forward Lunge (R)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (L)
30 secs Pigeon Pose (R)