WOD Along Video
Warm Up
10 Leg swings
10 Dislocates & Pass Throughs
10 Inchworms
10 Prone snow angels
10 Glute Bridge
10 Single leg Glute bridge (per side)
10 Good mornings
10 Single leg Romanian Deadlift (per side)
10 Cat Cow
10 T-spine rotation (per side)
Part A
I. Every 90 secs x 5 sets
3 - 5 Wall Walks
II. 5 sets x 30s ON / 30s OFF
Handstand Hold (Back to wall or Face to wall)
Alternative Pike Hold
“Ascending Annie”
10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60....
Double Unders
Lateral Line Hops
Jumping Jacks
Single Unders x 2
Abmat Sit Ups
Cool Down
1 min Bow pose
30 seconds Child’s pose
30 seconds Overhead tricep stretch (R)
30 seconds Overhead tricep stretch (L)
30 seconds Supine glute stretch (R)
30 seconds Supine glute stretch (L)
30 seconds Seated forward fold
1 min Straddle stretch